Joe & Alex

Sail away with me 

Joe & Alex's love story session 

Everything carries me to you, as if everything that exists, aromas, light, metals, were little boats that sail toward those isles of yours that wait for me
— Pablo Neruda

It wasn't just the sunset that was lighting up these two's session. The way Alex & Joe laughed and loved was in a way that can't be explained but has to be seen. An undeniable love and connection that I was lucky enough to be a part of. Here is their story:


Some day in the month of March, in the year 2013, Alex & Joe were about to cross paths in the beautiful backdrop of St. Marteen. Although the two were on completely separate cruise ships, thanks to the help of mechanical issues and perfect timing, these star crossed lovers were about to write the beginning pages of their story. As fate would have it, both Joe and Alex were eating lunch with their families at the same restaurant on the island. After an hour of awkward eye contact, subtle stares and brief small talk across their adjacent tables, Joe got up to leave and Alex couldn't help but feeling she was missing out on something great.

The weird thing was when his family got up and left, I had this gut feeling that I needed to get up and follow him. Odd I know, but when he actually left it made me feel like I missed him.

Thank goodness for second chances. A few hours later, swimming in the water was Joe and there stood Alex on the beach. In time, he slowly made his way towards her and so their adventure began. Although Joe lived in Utah and Alex in Ohio, the two spent weeks talking on the phone into the early hours of the morning. Eventually Alex made her way to Utah to spend their first week together exploring the "wonders of the west" as she put it. "It was the best week I'd ever spent with a person and looking back I barely knew him, even though it felt as if I'd known him forever." 


That trip, Joe asked Alex to be his girlfriend. Flash forward to January 4th, 2014. It was the last day of their trip to Disney World and as they were walking Joe told Alex to hold still. He got down on one knee and asked Alex to marry him. She, of course, said yes.

For me there are many things I love about Alex. Her loyality; As a future officer in the army, the fact that she holds tightly to her values and loved ones will undoubtedly easy my heart and mind while I’m in combat. Her personality; she’s my very best friend at all times. Her looks; I never get tired of looking at her. Lastly, her passion and desire for knowledge; In the world, in her profession, and in others. There’s a brain that goes with that beauty!
— Joe
Joe is my imperfectly perfect match. He lifts me up and treats me like his princess, but also doesn’t baby me. He’s hilarious. He’s the most supportive and caring person I’ve ever met. He’s loyal, humble and down to earth. He is accepting of our differences, and he is always open to my perspective. We are so similar but so different at the same time. I would not change a single thing about him.
— Alex

After 4 years together (engaged for 3 and 1/2)  Joe and Alex can't wait to finally see on paper that they're officially married. "we've been waiting for that for years" they said. what are they looking forward to once they are married ? "going to sleep and waking up next to each other every morning. also, having a few kids and a big doggie."

I am so humbled and blessed I was able to capture the love between these two. As mentioned before, it is undeniable. so undeniable, the world found a way to bring two hearts across the country togetherright where they belong.

Casey Burns